Frequently Asked Questions
We understand that it many be a difficult decision to enroll your loved one in hospice or palliative care. We want to not only support and preserve your loved one's maximum quality of life, but support and preserve your values and decisions during this time. Here are some answers to our most commonly asked questions to help answer any questions you may have.
What is Hospice?
Hospice is a health care team comprised of interdisciplinary services which are provided to patients and families during end of life. It is a benefit program designed to assist with the special needs of patients and their loved ones, which they elect for comfort and palliative care.
​ 2. How is Hospice Care Provided?
More than often, hospice is provided at home so that the patient can be with his or her own family in a familiar environment. Hospice care can also be provided at a Skilled Nursing Facility and Hospice Facilities. Hospice professional staff are able to provide medical and nursing care to support the patient and family.
3. What is the difference between Palliative Care and Hospice Care?
In essence, both have the same principles; however, palliative care is the care of patients with active, progressive, advanced disease process with short life expectancy and the focus would be quality of life.
4. What difference does it make to sign up with hospice?
Hospice can drastically affect the patient's quality of life, in which goals goals are tailored to relieve pain and physical symptoms, provide support to patient and family during illness and bereavement.
5. Who pays for Hospice Care?
Most patients are covered my Medicare or Medi-Cal. All other patients may pay privately.
6. How can a person sign up for Hospice Care?
There are plenty of hospice agencies, and it is important that a patient makes an informed decision and picks the best one which he or she feels most comfortable with. Fountain Hospice specializes in quality compassionate care for all of our patients and treats each patient as if he or she are a part of our own family. Should and patient entrust us with their care, we diligently hold that trust closely. We take referrals, and will arrange to make an initial meeting to educate the patient, check eligibility, and explain services.
7. How is eligibility determined?
To see if a person is eligible for hospice, a person must have a life threatening condition, palliative care, a physician record, and reside within the geographical boundary of the chosen hospice agency.